A xenotransplantative skin
a granular synthesizer controlled
by real time motion data
Project xenotransplantation skin investigates the possible creations of hybrid species/kinships that is born out of interactions between human and non human entities. We wonder what it is to be human and what defines us as humans in the age of digital. Where does the body start and end ? What is the skin of the virtual self ? Can we interface with non human entities to define another sense of self ? How to develop a new perception of self and materiality?
Xenotransplantation requires a procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation or infusion into a human recipient of either live cells, tissues, or organs from an animal source. However We believe that genetic modification might not only take place when transplanting organs tissues or cells from animals but also always already happening between daily interaction of human and non human entities. Between fleshed and wired. Through our digital prostheses we expand/merge our nervous systems into/with other neural networks which has a material impact on our plastic brains, thus the way we perceive self and reality.
The xenotransplantative skin project behaves as a digital skin that interfaces human and nonhuman entities to change spatial perception, create sensual friction, construct a self image through detachments from bodily self and a space of negotiation between the self and the other self, oscillating between virtual and physical.
We are focusing on performative scenarios evolving in types of digital species within which realtime human motion/performance data captured by Rokoko smart tracking suit is being synthesized and translated into the parameters of a granular synthesizer. This seamsless feedback loop offers spatiotemporal 3D soundscapes constituted by users digital traces of bodily expressions, sensations and emotions to be constantly experienced while constantly producing an experience where body, mind and space is insepereable.
Rokoko Motion Tracking Suit
HTC Vive Pro
x2 Beamers
x1 Wall and x1 Floor Projection
x1 TV